Welp.... here we are folks! I finally decided that the world needed my help enough that I started the blog! I am hoping to have at LEAST one new blog post per week. DO NOT COME FOR ME IF I CAN'T KEEP UP SOMETIMES! Please remember, I am a mother and wife with a full time career also.
I have several topics that I am planning on writing about. No clue what order or how much you all actually want to hear though. If you go to the home page, at the bottom, there is a form where you can tell me what things you'd like to hear about. This will help me figure out what things to write about more, and what things to scale back on. I am an open book, ya'll. On the homepage, there is also a subscribe button. SUBSCRIBE! Please :) This will let you know when I have a new post up! I would suuuuuuper appreciate if you'd share my page and posts with your friends and family. Share the insanity, if you will.
This is your one and only disclaimer... if you don't want to hear me cuss, talk about my trauma, see gnarly surgery photos, hear me bitch about my kids, can't handle dead dad jokes, or hear my REAL AND UNAPOLOGETICALLY UNFILTERED opinions, hit that little X now! This is NOT the blog for you.
If you are a woman who is STRONG AND PROUD, a momma who is TIRED, a person who is HEALING, or just an in general BADASS... WELCOME TO THE SHIT SHOW!
It feels fitting that my first post should start from the very beginning. I was born in sunny Monterey, California in 1989.... SIKE! I don't think any of you care about alllllll those details l0l But, I will tell you a little about me in a quick little timeline.
Last little tidbit… I’m sure you’re wondering “Why did she name her blog ThatOneBish?”. Well that’s an easy one! My Maiden name is Bish! Growing up the word “Bish” wasn’t cool like it is today! I caught HELL for that name! But… it’s a name I’m incredibly proud of! Even after I got married, I kept it as a middle name. That is my Daddy’s name and I’m proud to be That One Bish! I was Bish baby #1 and I am also very much THAT Bitch 🤣
I hope you all enjoy my content and come back for more! I have big hopes for this site and plan to add a store soon! Most importantly, I hope that my stories help someone! See y’all soon!
Unapologetically Unfiltered,
ThatOneBish 😜