Hey ya'll!!! I know I have been MIA for like 4 months but I promise there are good reasons! Our lived kinda got flipped upside down and I just haven't had any time for... anything really. I plan to update you all on EVERYTHING that has been going on but I need to do it at the right time. However, I did want to get on here and update you all on my mommy makeover healing progress and tell you some things I learned and some new opinions I have about the whole experience!
First... I am FINALLY done swelling!! I swear to you I looked pregnant for a solid 4 months after surgery. We got the seromas all taken care of and everything is perfectly fine now!
Here is a swelling picture just to show how bad it was!
Between the swelling and the seromas being gone I am down 32lbs since surgery, which was 5 months ago. I FEEL 100 times better and that is inside and out! I am still struggling with the mental aspect of all of this and I still battle body dysmorphia A LOT! But, for the most part, I am finally feeling like the me that I always wanted to be!
My boobs have settled into a 38 DD or XL bra. I am in a M/L top. My waist is now 28 inches! Unfortunately, I am built like a brick house and so I still have 42 inch hips! L0L So..... I still wear like an 8/10 or Large bottoms to fit this big ole booty!! I have a horrible time finding pants that fit me though... as you can see below! Everything that fits my hips/butt gaps really bad at the waist. But thankfully, I don't mind cute belts!
My scars are fading well, I think! I don't use the scar cream as much as I should but, it probably would be helpful! Here are a few scar photos from today.
As you can see, the scar in the front of my tummy is a bit darker than the rest of them and I think that is mostly because my bathing suit doesn't always cover that spot completely when I am laying out and well... I love the sun! I am happy with the scar placement and it almost NEVER shows! The breast scars are not as thin as I thought they would be but that's ok because they are in the fold and you can't see them unless you are looking for them!
I pretty much wore nothing but crop tops for months just because I finally could! It was the best feeling ever! But.... I am old. I am tired. I am lazy. So, I rarely even get out of my sports bra or leggings at this point! But there are rare occasions when I get cute... as seen below :)
And speaking of bathing suits... I pretty much live in those as its summertime in Florida and there is a HUGE difference in how those fit now that the swelling has gone down!
All in all, I am ok with the results. I do have a few updates that you NEED TO LISTEN TO!
  1. The implants that were put in in Mexico, were recalled in the United States in 2019. That is because they were causing lymphoma. I was DEVASTATED when I heard this. I had JUST gotten the results and learned I DO NOT have the BRCA gene so to hear that I could still get breast cancer, because of medical malpractice, was just gut wrenching! I will get the implants exchanged in the next year and hopefully there wont be any issues! I WANT TO NOTE THAT THE IMPLANTS WERE NOT RECALLED IN MEXICO BECAUSE THEY HAVE WAY LOWER STANDARDS!
  2. The surgeon was asked for his professional opinion on whether I needed a lift with implant or if the implants would be large enough to not need the lift. He said I didn't need a lift. He was in fact, WRONG! I still have A LOT of loose skin on both breasts but, more on the left. It is bad! That has been mentally exhausting! I went through allllllll this and still have frankenboobs. You can see in the picture below that my nipples are uneven and are pretty low compared to where they should be. And this is in a sports bra. The top line is where the center of my right nipple sits and the bottom line is the left. You can also see that the left one is farther away from my midline than the right is.

There is nothing that I can do regarding the implant recall or the surgeon's poor judgement call, unfortunately. I will have to pay to have the implants exchanged and to have my breasts lifted. So.... here I am again looking and researching for surgeons who can do this procedure.
By the time it's all said and done, I will have probably paid around $20,000 for the full thing. That is only $2,000 less than I would have paid if I had just stayed home and gone to my surgeon here. Which... is infuriating! I traveled 230952345709 miles and spent 23493749 hours on a plan 4 days after surgery to SAVE about $11,000. That was worth it to me. But now.... I would probably not do that again. I think if going to Mexico is something you want to do.... you need to ask them for the serial numbers on the implants they use and check yourself to see if they were recalled. You should have a consultation with a local plastic surgeon and ask THEM what they recommend. Then when you go to Mexico, you tell them exactly what you want and don't leave it up to them.
I am much happier with my body than I was 6 months ago but, it was a learning experience. DO YOUR RESEARCH! And when you think you have all the info... research more.
Here is a photo showing my progress from right after surgery to now, 5 months post op.
Thanks for reading and I hope you find this info helpful! If you have ANY questions, please reach out! I would LOVE to help!
-That One Bish
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